
coolmosaic【视频】show - 绝美冷艳的Bang Gang@西安音乐厅 Tonight-菠萝乐场PoloParty

【视频】show | 绝美冷艳的Bang Gang@西安音乐厅 Tonight-菠萝乐场PoloParty

多久没听到男主唱Bardi Johannsson
多久没有走进Bang Gang构筑的冰冷绝美的世界了?
专访Bang Gang
冰岛Bang Gang乐队巡演西安站

could you introduce yourself and the band?可以介绍下自己和乐队吗?
My name is Bardi Johannsson and have been writing music under the name Bang Gang for many years. I also write music for films and theatre.
我叫Bardi Johannsson,并且以Bang Gang这个艺名一直创作音乐多年十香园 ,我同时也为电影和戏剧创作音乐刘培柱。
could you introduce your partner? How did you know each other?介绍下您的女搭档?你们是怎么认识的?
I don’thave a special partner. I work with different partners every time.
Could you simply describe how did you get to the music?能简单介绍下您是怎么走上音乐这条路的?
I have been writing music since I was 10 years old. When I was 10 years old the first song I wrote was released on a children album. After that I made music with my friends and continued making music until I was twenty. After twenty it become my main job little by little. I have written pop/rock music, classical orchestra music, music for films, theatre张雅玫 , produced other artists and recorded them and mixed, made an opera, and have my band Bang Gang and two other bands Lady & Bird with Keren Ann and also Starwalker with JB Dunckel.
我从10岁开始就创作音乐,我10岁的第一首自己写的歌被收录在一张儿童专辑里发行了。之后我和朋友一起做音乐,不断创作音乐直到20岁。20岁以后,我主要的工作内容一点一点形成。我写过流行/摇滚音乐、古典乐团音乐、电影音乐、戏剧、为其他艺术家创作、录制并混合、创作歌剧,有了自己的乐队BangGang,还有另外两个乐队,和Keren Ann合作的Lady & Bird,以及和JB Dunckel合作的Starwalker。
What do you usually like in the spare time?您平时有些什么爱好?
I like to watch a movie, saw trees in the nature, grow potatoes, make videos and make love.
Before the band was established, what did you do?在乐队成立以前,您是做什么的?
I was in school and then I worked for 4 months as a lifeguard in a swimming pool. After that I worked in a magazine, then I had a popular Radio show and then TV show. Also learned a little but of linguistics in the University and clothing design.
Do you have any other favorite bands or singers?有没有其他喜欢的乐队或者歌手?
I listen now to Lana Del Ray, Spiritualized, Lykke Li, Metallica, Arvo Part and many many more. Depends on my mood.
我现在听Lana Del Ray东昱画室, Spiritualized, Lykke Li, Metallica, Arvo Part等等好多好多,这取决于我的心情。
Are there any person or events that have a big impact on the music?什么人或者事件对音乐创作有很大影响?
I think Kurt Cobain, Igor Stravinsky, Philip Glass, Jim Morrison and many more have made some impact.
我想是从Kurt Cobain, Igor Stravinsky, Philip Glass, Jim Morrison以及其他很多人身上得到了一些启发。
What is the inspiration for every album?每一张专辑的灵感来源是什么?
The inspiration comes from my personal life. I project that into music.
What do you want to convey to the audience in this musical style?通过这样的音乐风格想传达给听众什么?
It is electronic远古封神, ambient, indie, pop, rock
电子乐、氛围音乐、独立、流行、摇滚音乐恐惧之泣 。
Do you have any memorable experience after several years of performance?经过这几年演出,有没有比较难忘的经历?
I have so many. Playing with the Icelandic symphony orchestra was amazing. Then also a few concerts in China were exceptional.
What do you like best about China?最喜欢中国的什么?
The people are amazing, Chinese people are very beautiful on the inside and also outside. When I leave China, I always want to come back!
人们都太热情了,中国人的外在和心灵都很美。我离开中国时总是想着再回来柯占军 !
Which city or region do you prefer in China?比较喜欢中国的哪个城市或者地区豪火球之术 ?
They are all different in many ways. I have great memories from Chengdu, Chongqing, Beijing and many more cities.
Who is the most important person to yourself? Why?对自己来说,最重要的人是谁?为什么?
It is my daughter. Because she is an amazing girl. She is the best!
Which part of the tour you prefer?比较喜欢巡演中的哪个环节?
I like being on stage, also to meet the fans, second comes having days off to explore China.
我喜欢在舞台上表演,也喜欢与粉丝见面纯笛音响 ,再有几天就可以去探访中国coolmosaic 。
How is the music market in Iceland now?现在冰岛的音乐市场怎么样?乔引娣
It is great. Lots of exciting bands and young artists doing great music. Mostly it is electronic.
Are there any other careers besides music?除了音乐还有没有其他想做的事业?
Yes, I recently started as the marketing manager for the biggest hotel Chain in Iceland. Hotels of Iceland - Islandshotel.
What books or movies do you like recently? Is there any recommendation?最近喜欢看什么书或者电影?有没有可以推荐的?
My all time favourites are : Twin Peaks by David Lynch, Suspiria by Dario Argento and Dead Ringers by David Cronenberg.
我所有的时间里最喜欢看:David Lynch的Twin Peaks、Dario Argento的Suspiria,以及David Cronenberg的Dead Ringers。
which city or region of your country would you like to recommend to China fans?你的国家哪个城市或者地区想推荐给中国乐迷?
I recommend the whole country. Every part of Iceland has it’sspecial character. Asbyrgi is one of my favourite parts of Iceland.
what do you want to say to China fans?有什么想对中国乐迷说的?
I am so happy to be back in China. I love playing in China and all the fans are so amazing there. Will be so happy to be back!

@西安独立音乐现场 (此微博侧重音乐类线下演出现场推广)
@菠萝乐场PoloParty (此微博侧重各种独立文化推广,乐队线上互动宣传)
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小站名:菠萝乐场 Polo Party (此小站作为乐队厂牌小站,文化推广)
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